Liquid Radio - The kAEdINGER Sessions - studio kaedinger
30. Januar 2020

Liquid Radio - The kAEdINGER Sessions

Could you say all that in Eng­lish plea­se?” – “Sure, why not?”

Every once in a while I sit down and let the music flow.
And some­ti­mes other peo­p­le like to hear it too,
and some­ti­mes they play it on the radio.


Inspi­red by the K&D Ses­si­ons and (too long ago). So what exact­ly is Liquid Radio? Quo­te the monkey:

Well, some call it “Trip-Hop.” And some call it “Acid Jazz.” Some call it “Down­tem­po” or “Abs­tract Beats.” Now take the inter­sec­tion of all the­se. Stir in groo­ve. Dust with sex­i­ness. Sim­mer. Voi­la. Ser­ve chilled.

Find my take on that on the­se pages. Lis­ten, down­load and spread the love!

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