Kat Robichaud "Home Sessions" - studio kaedinger

Kat Robichaud "Home Sessions"

The ama­zing Kat Robich­aud has released her latest album to her Patre­on sup­port­ers, we did the mix and the mas­ter, and it tur­ned out heart­brea­kin­gly gor­ge­ous! Click here to get it!

Kat Robich­aud, known for her very own Mis­fit Caba­ret, and you might reco­gni­ze her as “The Voice” con­tes­tant (you ough­ta know this song at least) who rather was the kni­fe than the apple pie, recor­ded an album during the Covid-19 pan­de­mic. It con­ta­ins inti­ma­te, clo­se up ver­si­ons of some of her favou­ri­te songs (all ori­gi­nals!), per­for­med sole­ly by hers­elf on her pia­no. We hel­ped her get the tracks on track by doing the mixing and mas­te­ring. Quo­te Kat: “I’m real­ly exci­ted to share the­se with my Patre­on mem­bers this Fri­day. They’­re gon­na cry.”

Her incre­di­ble voice and her inti­ma­te, yet powerful inter­pre­ta­ti­ons of her own beau­tiful songs (track­list below) were super fun to work with!

This release is – for now – exclu­si­ve to her sup­port­ers, so head over to Kat’s Patre­on and join (it’s che­a­per to join than to buy an album any­whe­re else)!

Home Ses­si­ons” con­ta­ins 7 songs, each one more beau­tiful than the last; just lis­ten to the ope­ner here:

1. Red Satin
2. Artists
3. My Escape
4. Sca­re The Night Away
5. Song For David Bowie
6. Keep Surviving
7. The Last Waltz Of The Wrights
All songs writ­ten and per­for­med by Kat Robichaud

5 Kommentare zu „Kat Robichaud "Home Sessions"

  • I’ve had Home Ses­si­ons on repeat for a few days now. I can’t recom­mend it enough.

    Tho­se of you who know me know I’m *extra­or­di­na­ri­ly* picky when it comes to music.

    Kat’s record is inti­ma­te and emo­tio­nal… and raw. Not raw like under­pro­du­ced, raw like… you’ll feel it bru­t­ally, becau­se she’s fee­ling it when she sings it.

    You can get the record by being a Patre­on sup­port­er of Kat which is che­a­per than you’ll buy an album any­whe­re else. Do it.

  • WOW. this is coming in so clear .. emo­tio­nal .. raw .. It sounds awe­so­me. Is that you play­ing the key­board ???… ha ha ..well done .. beau­tiful . And every time I play “Keep Sur­vi­ving” .. I get more hoo­ked. I think its one of your best lyri­cal­ly. It hits my core. It goes so well with this home edi­ti­on. Thanks, and Love it .

  • Just spent qua­li­ty time (just me and Kat’s emo­tio­nal voice & pia­no, life is good!) lis­tening to the album seve­ral times. Clo­sing my eyes with Red Satin brought me back to my 1st Mis­fit Caba­ret live per­for­mance, whe­re Kat was kind enough to take my request during the VIP ses­si­on. Same for Artists. Oh, and Keep Sur­vi­ving, of cour­se, sin­ce it was Adven­ture Show. Such incre­di­ble songs… Well, ever­y­thing is fan­ta­stic in this album of cour­se. This for­mat makes Kat’s ama­zing voice (AND song­wri­ting skills) tru­ly shi­ne. Who needs pro­du­cers when you have such talent… This is a true gem.

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